Thursday, January 03, 2008

Thirteen Things about Resources to Utilize for My Writing in 2008

Here are some of the resources I intend to utilize for my writing in 2008. Some are tried and true and I come back to them over and over again; others have yet to be explored. Many have come recommended from others.

1. Materials from an online editing class This class has helped me see just how dynamic the English language is, and how much I need to continually research when editing.

2. Self-editing for Fiction Writers by Renni Browne and Dave King. This book has been recommended to me by a number of other authors and it’s a great tool for producing a clean, marketable manuscript.

3. You Can Heal Your Life, The Movie A friend told me that this film is going to be showing at a local church next week. I figure I can learn a lot from a woman who healed herself of cancer decades ago and created a publishing empire.

4. Audition: Everything an Actor Needs to Know to Get the Part This book is a wonderful tool for authors and directors, as well as actors. I’m going to feature some insights from it here on the blog.

5. Materials from coursework done with Rita Mae Brown I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to take both fiction courses and a screenwriting workshop with Rita Mae. If you ever get a chance to study with her, I highly recommend it.

6. Materials from a consultation with Emma Sweeney It pays to investigate a number of agents and also consult with their clients.

7. Author! Screenwriter! How to Succeed as a Writer in New York and Hollywood While most agents pick only books or only screenplays to represent, Peter Miller sells books, screenplays and television shows. He’s had a very successful career and packs a lot of unique insights into this book.

8. The Sorcerer’s Crossing by Taisha Abelar. A friend recently recommended this to me, saying that while she didn’t resonate with everything that was in it, some of the cleansing exercises opened up her creativity and helped her with her work. I’m all about improving my work.

9. Becoming an Empath: How to Develop the Power of Your Emotional Intuition by Karla McLaren. I found this little gem when Wild Oats was going out of business. At first I was apprehensive, wondering if it could provide anything new to a popular topic. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the author provides a fresh voice to this type of work.

10. I know I’ll frequently return to my bible for entertainment writing, Writing the Romantic Comedy by Billy Mernit. Don’t let the title fool you. This is a great resource for all types of popular fiction, screenplays and teleplays. The author covers a number of universal writing topics, including storytelling fundamentals, character chemistry, structuring conflict, dialogue and developing theme. I’ll also frequently stop by Mernitman’s blog. He’s currently featuring The Asta Awards for the best romantic comedies of 2007.

11. Divine Magic: The Seven Sacred Secrets of Manifestation by Doreen Virtue. I’ve briefly studied The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece by Three Initiates, but have not yet had the patience nor time to fully comprehend its tenets of manifestation. I’m hoping Doreen Virtue’s take on it will help me gain some more focus to help when I return to it.

12. Introducing Abraham: The Secret Behind the Secret featuring Esther and Jerry Hicks. I know The Secret has been hugely popular, especially after Oprah Winfrey featured some of the performers and the author on her show, but I felt it only scratched the surface. I’m hoping Esther and Jerry Hicks will provide some more insight on the Law of Attraction and how to manifest more of what you want into your life.

13. Intuition classes with Lori Sassen, who is about to embark upon some work with author Joe Vitale.

What resources are you going to utilize to enhance your writing career this year? Do you utilize any of the tools referenced here? If so, which ones and how do they benefit you? What new tools do you want to try?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Doreen Virtue's work a lot. I've learned a lot from her. Several of the other books you mention sound great, too.

You know what book helped me a lot last year? A book called LIFE, PAINT, and PASSION. I can't see the author's name from here,but it's great at looking at creativity from a new angle, and can be applied to writing as much as to painting.

9:44 AM  
Blogger Kristina Knight said...

Great list, Diana! I check in with several blogs - Access Romance and Write Attitude are two - for insights and ideas on scheduling and creativity...and I take advantage of as many workshops through my local RWA chapter as I can.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Melissa Amateis said...

Resources I'll use - what's left of my brain. Ha! Kidding. Well, kinda.

My thesaurus, for sure. My blogging buddies - for inspiration and commiseration. Pikes Peak Writers, which I just recently joined. Writer's Diget. The Writer magazine. And whatever writing craft books I happen to need at a particular time. :-)

2:24 PM  
Blogger Melissa Amateis said...

I mean Writer's DIGEST. Sheesh!

2:24 PM  
Blogger Diana Celesky said...


Thanks for the book recommendation. I'm going to get a copy of "Life, Paint and Passion." I found it at amazon, and it's by Michele Cassou and Stewart Cubley. I get a lot out of books that talk about the artistic experience generally, not just writing. They're great for helping writers think more outside of the box, although I'm not sure many of us need a whole lot of help with that!

6:36 AM  
Blogger Diana Celesky said...

Hi, Kristi

I'll have to check out the blogs that you like. Thanks for sharing them. I enjoy local writers' workshops, too. There's such a wealth of information for us out there. Writers share wonderful professional information. I used to work in the legal field and it's a completely different animal. And yes, they really do eat their young.

6:39 AM  
Blogger Diana Celesky said...


Thanks for mentioning the Pikes Peak writers. I've known several other writers in that group, but don't know that much about it. I hear they have a great conference every year.

I thought of you the other day when I tripped on a magazine site that featured World War II articles. It's at historynet. com, and the specific link for the World War II stuff is

6:45 AM  

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