Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Just Write

Pulitzer Prize-winning film critic Roger Ebert was on a writers' television show last week (can't recall the title of the show, but a typewriter keyboard is on the title shot) and he had some wonderful stories to share about his career and information on his newly released book, Your Movie Sucks .

His barbed wit is a treat in both books, but his words on the television writers’ show were profound. He talked about his recovery from cancer, and how during that time, when he wrote he felt better, more alive. He said that if you wait for inspiration to write, it won’t come. We need to sit ourselves down, write and the inspiration will then flow to us. So let’s all follow Mr. Ebert’s advice today:

Just write.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved the movie Somewhere in Time. It was everything a romantic movie should be, and the cast was terrific. Watching it always made me cry.

10:13 PM  

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